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…a digital guy in an analogue world…

Still waiting for my Rolleiflex Automat to arrive, and quietly going out of my head in anticipation. Was hoping it’d arrive today so I could go out shooting with it this weekend, but it didn’t happen so I’ll have to go slumming with my Brownie. The film I ordered from B&H arrived, as well as the vintage light meter I purchased through ebay (I went vintage cause, well, it was cheap – $20 – and I guess to keep the whole retro theme going).

I’ve also bidded on ebay for a few darkroom/developing kits. I’ve got 7 rolls of Brownie film ready to be developed, and after checking out the prices for mail order developing ($15 per roll of 8 shots, plus $15 for a print of each shot, plus postage) I figured getting into developing might be a good idea…it’ll be a steep learning curve but hey, it’ll be fun…

I’ve also been reading up on the Rollei’s, and the famous photographers that have used them… Helmut Newton, Diane Arbus, Richard Avedon, Irving Penn, Cecil Beaton…theresa lot of history in Rolleiflex cameras…